Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yikes, time flies fast!

Well hello there! I've finally found time to update in between classes today. It's been a very busy start to the semester. Classes started last wednesday, and between that and working, it's been crazy! Classes seem to be ok, it's goin g to be a lot of work, as usual. They're more interesting than last semester because I'm finally starting to get down to the more concentrated stuff and I'm past all the mandatory classes that have nothing to do with my major. This semester I'm taking : Drug Use and Abuse, Intro to health behaviors, Exercise Physiology, Motor Development, and Motor Control and Learning. In addition i'm taking 2 sports classes: bowling and badminton. On my first day of bowling i bowled the best game i've ever bowled, which means i have to improve off of that score by the end of the class!

The apartment is doing well, it's been great to have my own bathroom and closet (which, by the way is bigger than the bathroom rache and I share at home). The four of us each cook dinner once a night- I made this yummy chicken parmigiana the first night I made dinner, and janet has made baked ziti and stuffed shells. Can you tell we're big on italian food?

On saturday i'm starting a clinic called the Children's Developmental Clinic. Basically, I'm going ot be helping children with physical disabilities improve their motor skills and get them to be more physically active. Which is great, because this is exactly what I want to do in the future! The first 2 weeks are training weeks and then the clinic continues for 9 weeks after that. Should be a great experience!

MD football played villanova last Saturday and beat them 31-13. Woohoo! In a week, we'll play West Virginia, who is a notably better team than we are, so hopefully we can hold our own against them. Lauren goes to WVU so we've both been talking smack to each other =]

Okee dokee, it's about time I head to class. I've got 2 more today and then I'm heading back to the apartment- Janet's making dinner tonight, and it's bound to be scrumptious! And then a night full of reading because I've worked the past 2 nights and haven't had a chance to catch up yet. Hope everyone is doing well, I'll update when I get the chance!!

<3, Bunga

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a month since you've blogged. Are you still alive?