Hello there! I figured it was about time I updated, it's definitely been a while.
There's not really anything exciting going on, I'm enjoying summer vacation and not having to study or read textbooks. I've been trying to read as much as I can this summer, books that I'm actually interested. I just finished
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It's a fantastic novel about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. Its part of a series, so I think today or tomorrow I'm going to go out and buy the rest of the series.
I'm also working a lot, which is nice, because i'm making more money than I was during the semester. I'm working between 40 and 50 hours almost every week, which is tiring, but at least i can make my own schedule so I can vary the types of shifts that I work every work which is nice. We also have new upper management which is great, we really like the new director. He's very nice (and very gay) and so far he's done a good job with the place.
Other than working and reading all I've really done is hang out with Steve, and my other friends. Steve and I double date weekly with a girlfriend of mine, Ashley and her boyfriend. Last week we did Sushi and it scrumptious! Last Friday Ashley and several other of my girlfriends drove up to Ephrata, Pennsylvania to go to a ginormous flea market. They had possibly everything you could possibly ask for, it was really hard to get out of there without spending all of your money!
I think that's about it- I'll update again soon! :)