Some more exciting news... I was nominated by one of my managers at work for the Emma Powers award, which is the highest recognition that can be received by a student employee in dining services. It goes to the student who... well, I'll just copy and past what the website said about the last recipient:
"2006 Emma Powers Student Employee of the Year Award: Phillip Vogel, Student Supervisor from Good Tidings was awarded the highest honor we can give a student employee. $500 Terrapin Express and an engraved plaque were presented at the May Awards Banquet. This award is presented to the student recognized as having made the most significant positive contributions to Dining Services and the campus community."
So that's pretty cool. My interview is tomorrow with the big-wigs of dining services, so I hope everything goes well. It feels so awesome to even be nominated. I mean, to think that my superiors think that I'm the most influential student employee in dining services, and at 19, is unreal. Wish me luck!

Come to think of it, this past weekend has been pretty good. Last weekend was Shamrock Fest, which is an event that's held annually in DC by a local rock station. It has different Irish bands, some of the big ones being Flogging Molly, Carbon Leaf, and the Kelly Bell Band. They also have rides and carnival type games and stuff so it was a lot of fun. Some of my friends from UMBC came down to College Park and we took the metro down to DC. Here's a pic! (Because by now you've probably figured out I love showing off pictures =] ) It's not exactly the best picture of me, the person who was taking the picture was in a hurry because his train was coming, so there wasn't much time to prep myself!
For Spring Break, I'm going home to Columbia for the week, but as for this weekend, I'm going to West Virginia with my friend Christina (the blonde in the picture) and my other friend Cara from high school. Lauren is very excited to have us, she just got a single dorm room this semester and is very excited to show it off!
Tomorrow the Terps play in the first round of the NCAA tournament. They should be able to make through the first 2 rounds without problem, but their trip will probably end when most likely, they will face Florida in the sweet 16. Hey Grandpa! I have WSU going until the sweet 16 as well.. you'll be very pleased to hear that I said "Go Cougs" today at work, defending WSU in their projected upset against them by Oral roberts. =]
And I think that's about it for me. All in all, it has been a very lovely week. It's now time for me to go to bed and get some beauty sleep! Love you all.
Hey Sweet Pea - congrats on being nominated for the award. It is nice to know others think we're doing a good job. I have no doubt you are an excellent employee-and very influencial! It is spring here - cold one moment and nice the next. Tonight it was practically snowing when I left Seattle and by the time I got home it was sunny and breezy. Skyla and I had a great walk.
Love you!
We haven't heard the results of the Emma Powers award, but just know how proud we are that you were nominated. We know how hard you work, and you deserve the recognition. We are also waiting to hear about your housing for next year. Good luck. Love G&G Kirkwood
Interesting to know.
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