Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's summer time... finally!

Hello summer! With school finally behind me for the semester, I can start to relax... at least until work. I took my last final yesterday, which means that I am now, officially, a senior, and I only have 1 more year until I have to go out and live in the real world (yikes!). Because the lease on my apartment is a year long lease, I have it for the summer, which is nice because it is so close to work and I don't have to commute as much as I did last summer. Also, my apartment complex has its own pool which just happens to be right across the street, so you know where I'll be on sunny days!

This coming weekend is Memorial Day weekend, and on Sunday we're having our usual family dinner, although this time we'll have company- Steve is coming over, as well as Rachel's boyfriend, Ryan. Ryan wants to be a mechanic, so he and Steve will have plenty to talk about seeming as Steve is a mechanic and can tell him what its like. Then, on Monday, Steve and I are going to the Orioles game with Steve's sister and her fiancee. Afterwards, there are several BBQ's and birthday parties that I have pledged my attendance to, so I will be jumping around to several different ones! It will certainly be a busy day!

As for right now, I'll be working a lot this week and next week. Janet and I are also thinking about painting our living room and putting curtains up- we're just trying to decide what color to do. We want to do it soon because she has an internship in Annapolis starting up where she'll be gone Monday through Friday from 8 to 5.

That's about it, I'll blog later when something exciting happens. Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

The TA said...

Hey Petunia - post a photo of your new beau!!

Aunt Butthead