Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's been a while...

It certainly has been a long while since I last blogged! Things have been so busy with school and work (and a new boy...) that I've neglected my blogging duties!!

This week is the beginning of finals (I'm clearly procrastinating). I had one this morning, have one tomorrow morning, and have one next wednesday and then that's it! I'll be done for the semester and I'll officially be a senior! Scary huh?? I can't believe how fast the past three years have flown by!

As for work, upper management is changing, so theres been a lot going on to get ready for the switch. Apparently, our new head administrator is quite a bit stricter than our current one, so we're trying to whip the staff into shape before he gets here. Hopefully the new guy will come in and change things to make everything run a little bit smoother.

And as for the boy, I've been dating Steve for just about a month now. We actually went to high school together, so we've known each other for quite a while. We started hanging out again last fall or so and we decided to give this a shot, so we'll see how it goes! So far so good :)

Not much else has been going on, I've gone to a couple Orioles games and been to a few small concerts but that's about it!

I should probably get back to studying, even though ever since Janet bought Mariokart for the Wii, that's all I've wanted to do, which is terrible for the massive amounts of studying that I need to do for finals...


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