- In August was my 21st birthday... I had a ton of fun getting to go out with my friends finally (I was the last to turn 21). I survived the night and the next day I went to an Orioles game with Steve, Janet & Brian, Steve's sister and fiancee at the time (now husband) Matt, and my friend Doug. It was lots of fun and definitely the best place to recover from the night before!
- I started a second job at Applebee's to help make up for the loss of hours at the Golf Course (it's being renovated and is closed until Mayish of next year, so as a result the restaurant is still open, but just with very limited hours). So far it's gone pretty well, it's pretty easy stuff and I can also bring my books and things to study if we're slow. I've been there for about a month or so.
- I have registered for my last semester of classes at Maryland! It was such an odd feeling knowing that come this may I'll be done with my undergraduate degree! So weird... then comes nursing school and who-knows-where, I'll figure that out later.
- Steve and I are still going strong... we're coming up on 7 months soon... I honestly don't think that either one of us thought that we'd make it this far... haha! A couple days ago was his sister's wedding which was fun, I got to meet a lot of family that already think I'm part of the family! This thanksgiving he will come to our house for dinner on thursday and then that night the two of us are going to head to Deleware to celebrate thanksgiving with his family.
- Janet and Brian are also still going strong, yesterday was their 3 year anniversary... I can't believe it's been 3 years!! I can definitely see a wedding in their future... :-D
That's about it, I have to head off to class but I'll leave you with some pictures!

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