Friday, February 9, 2007

It's the weekend!

It's been a long week, I'm happy that it's finally Friday! This week was pretty normal with school and work. Wednesday night I went home and did my overflowing amounts of laundry and slept in my own bed =] It was a much needed break from the college park atmosphere. Thursday afternoon Mom, Rache and I went to go see "Because I Said So", because Rachel had a half day and I don't have classes on Thursdays. It was a cute movie, I liked it. I plan on going back home this weekend, tomorrow actually, to go shopping with Rachel and to sleep in on Sunday. I don't have to be at work until 1 on Sunday, which is a rarity, so I'm certainly going to take advantage of it.

Unfortunately this week also brought a break-up. I broke the news on Monday to Billy. It was time that I just moved on, he represented everything about high school and I felt like I wasn't going anywhere. It was just time. Now I can set my sights on a 3rd year buisness major who comes from old money =] hey, I can dream!

Other than that, nothing much out of the ordinary is going on. I look forward to relaxing tonight and having a movie night with the gang. I don't know how much you guys know about them, so I'll go ahead and tell you guys a little about them (plus, I'm really bored).
Janet is an anthropology and history double major. She's a fellow army brat like myself, we were actually in the same first grade class back in Ft. Huachuca. Her boyfriend, Brian (on the right) is a computer engineering major and he graduated from my rival high school with Chris. Chris has been my friend since middle school and he is an electrical (i think) engineering major. The four of us are really close and we do just about everything together.

Well that's it for me, maybe I'll think of something more exciting for my next post.


1 comment:

The TA said...

Sounds more exciting than my weekend which will be laundry, dog walking and cooking. I'm actually looking forward to it!

Love you!!