Thursday, March 20, 2008

Where's the break in spring break?

It's been a busy week since I last updated-

Friday was the last day before spring break- I went and got my hair cut and dyed (nothing too drastic). It's a little longer than my shoulders and it's a nice dark chocolate brown- I haven't taken a picture since I got it cut so I can't show you guys what it looks like. I had my one class that afternoon and then met Mom and Dad for happy hour in Columbia.

Saturday was Shamrock Fest. We had the best weather anyone could have asked for in March. I wore a light jacket and flip flops to the music fest. I went with some friends of mine that go to UMBC, so it was nice to see them again. We had a lot of fun!

Sunday was a huge function at work. It was for NACUFS (National Association of Collegiate and University Food Services). It was quite the event! We had the entire event room decked out and we even put an ice cream parlor in our restaurant! There were about 180 people there, all of which are "big-wigs" in dining services. It was a long day, I ended up working 13 hours total for the day. All was well though, later on we got a letter saying that our event was the best they had been to ever, and they've been to some pretty fancy shin-digs!

Monday was St. Patrick's Day- I was scheduled to bartend all day but I failed to remember that little fact when I scheduled my interview for an unpaid internship for that afternoon. I managed to have a friend of mine watch the bar while I went to my interview, which was for a nurse's assistant job at a local hospital, Montgomery General Hospital. I ended up landing the position, and you're looking at (or rather reading the words of) the newest nurse's assistant on the oncology and ER floors. It will definitely be tough work but I'm really excited to get started and get into the nitty gritty!

Tuesday I had the day off from work, so I went home and helped my mom clean out my room and figure out what to do with half the junk that's still in my room at home. We ended up cleaning it out pretty well- we threw away about 3 bags of junk and gave away 4 bags to Purple Heart. All in all it was a pretty productive day!

Wednesday I worked all day and then went with my parents to meet two of my mom's cousins in town from Wyoming. We met at this nice little grill in Union Station in DC. We also met their son, who is 23 and lives in DC and practically the perfect male specimen! Too bad he's my second cousin...

And today, was a long day as well- I was in at work at 715 am, and didn't leave until about 5 or so, which makes a nice 9 hour work day. I'm heading into overtime for this week- I've got about 35 hours or so already for the week, so on Saturday hopefully I'll move into time and a half!

Today also begins the wonderful season knows as March Madness- my brackets are ready and I'm good to go! So far for the day I'm 8 for 8, 100% :)

That's it for right now! Tomorrow will be the first day of relaxation, the Kirkwood girls are heading to the Spa courtesy of Grandma Kirkwood! We're all very excited for some much needed R&R.

I'll update again soon!

<3 Sarah

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