Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's been a busy couple of months! (What else is new??)

School is in full swing for the last time... Yikes! I can't believe that in May I'll have a bachelor's degree! I feel like I haven't learned enough to have a degree yet... haha-

I'm working my butt off at both Applebees and Mulligan's, so when I'm not there, I'm either doing homework or sleeping!

On Sunday Steve and I cooked dinner for both of our families, 10 people total- It went well I think, everyone got along well and seemed to have a good time. It was the first time both of our families have gotten together since Steve and I have been dating, so we figured it was time for them to get to know each other!

Oh, and it's only 1 month till vegas! I can't be more excited to get out of this cold windy state and go to warm and sunny las vegas in march. we'll be gone for a week- march 16-20, our spring break. There's 6 of us total going- Janet, Brian, Chris and his girlfriend Amanda and then Steve and I.

I think that's it for right now, I have to get some homework done before class at 4, so I better go!


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