Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Couple of things on my mind

Things that are flying through my mind right now:

1. Where did Lady Gaga come from? I need to get her album.

2. I should be working on homework rather than blogging, but then again procrastination is my specialty.

3. I'm making enchiladas for dinner tonight despite the fact that most of us won't be even eating dinner together tonight. Chris did pay for the ingredients so that's a plus.

4. Slumdog Millionaire was a great movie, although Steve did say that he thought it was over-rated. He slept through half the movie though so I'm not exactly sure what he's basing his opinion on. I liked it though, it was a very eye-opening experience. Plus the music was awesome- I kept wiggling around in my seat to the beat, haha.

5. I'm feeling super motivated and introspective right now. (Hence the blogging) I wish it would happen more often.


The TA said...

You must have a case of senior-itis. Not only are you blogging, but your blog color scheme changed. All pink and happy now!

I need to get off my bootie and get my plane ticket for your graduation!!

Love you!


Sarah said...

haha you hit the nail on the head... only 2 more months!