Thursday, February 1, 2007

My first!

Well, I figured that since I am hardly ever at my house in Columbia anymore, that I would create a blog similiar to the Kirkwood grandparents and create a blog to inform family of my latest happenings!

I was taking a break from reading my latest story for my Greek and Roman mythology book about Prometheus stealing fire from the gods to give to man and getting punished for it, when I found an ample way to procrastinate! Hopefully I will remember to update this and give you guys of an idea of what is going on in my busy busy life! Who knows, maybe this will become a family craze!

Today was spent at work because I configured my classes this semester so that I don't have classes on Tuesdays or Thursdays. I spend these days now working at Mulligan's and bringing in the moolah. Today is Thursday, which means that most of today at work was spent trying to make up the student schedule at work, an almost impossible task. Eventually it did get completed though, after a long couple of hours and lots of Diet Pepsis. =]

Tonight I will be working on lots of school work for class tomorrow, but of course, taking an hour break to watch Grey's Anatomy that comes on in about 10 minutes. I highly recommend watching it, It's a great show!

Tomorrow will mark the beginning of a long-awaited weekend and of course, the Super Bowl! The gang and I will be heading up to the house to watch the game on Dad's big screen in our basement as we did last year. Chris of course has asked for his own personal jar of french onion dip to keep him happy. I am rooting for the Bears, because I would rather Seattle have lost to the super bowl team than to any other team.

It is now Grey's anatomy time, I will update again soon!



Anonymous said...

Cassie and I totally want to hear hear what's going on in your life. Thanks for posting. I think it's great. Love, Craig...

Anonymous said...

And I'm not doug. I'll figure that out later.

Unknown said...

Who's Doug?